Education - Score! Training

Score 4.25.2 Online Training


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There are a few steps to the proper installation of Score! 4.25.2 (Current Latest Version). This includes a step by step from making sure you have the latest version of Java software installed properly on your machine. Downloading and uncompressing the Score 4.25.2 to your machine and the online training class from 2019.

1) Install Latest Java on your machine.

2) Download and Prep Score Folder for a Contest Weekend properly!

3) Online Training Session Start to Finish 2019 03/09/2019

These instructions include a step by step portion of all aspects of Score! from having Java correctly installed, to configuration for a contest and all aspects needed to provide a complete and correct experience and results that are then able to be sent on to the RD of your respective region for posting of your event! The latest online class we ran above!!


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